Alexa Chung: IT


When it comes to style inspiration/icons, two words and one name come to mind and that is the fabulous, Alexa Chung. This girl is a walking runway. From dominating the street style world to landing magazine covers, this girl has built her own platform! One thing I love about her is her ability to pull of effortless looks that do indeed require well...effort. And I love the fact that her personal style always has that touch of girly. Not womanly girly, but instead, little girl kind of touch. Which I can definitely relate to. Cause now at the age of 21, I still don't think I've been able to achieve the act of dressing "womanly" and I've learned that, that's just not me and it's perfectly okay! When I heard she was coming out with a book I got really excited and knew I had to own it. Thankfully it was gifted to me for my birthday and voila it is now mine. So for those who are eager to buy it, here's a sneak peek to it :P

Not only can Alexa Chung look fab all the time but she can also draw. Throughout the book you can find cute little drawings like these that she herself drew, and they're pretty darn awesome! I personally liked the "Me Today" one the best.

In the book she mentions her journey in achieving her own personal style, and how many film characters inspired her throughout that process. Films in which actresses like Winona Ryder from "Heathers", Natalie Portman from  "Leon" and Christina Ricci from "The Addams Family" all played strong female roles. 

She also composes a formula as to how she goes about when it comes to getting ready, which happens to be one of my favorite pages cause I pretty much do the same. Guideline is on point, my friends. The picture to your right goes along with her famous look of the wonderful cat eye. (I've attempted this and have epically failed every time). Makeup is not my forte.

One of the things I liked from the book is how she talks about having her heart broken and how she wasn't sure how to go about it. Until one day her mom tells her "Nobody goes through life without having their heart broken and one day you'll wake up and it'll be okay". And now she can't wait to tell her daughter the same one day.

I really do recommend this book. It's very genuine and you can tell that she's pretty much the same human being from text to face to face. There are also helpful tips as to how to exit a car correctly, having an awesome karaoke session, to mastering the art of a self-portrait. So run along now....go get it! 
Miami, FL, USA