The Fault in Our Stars

It had been quite a while since I'd read any books and I thought it was time to get back on that reading wagon, explore new stories and enjoy the art of their creation. Though I had come across many different books, very few had caught my attention. Until I came across the very hyped and famous book from author, John Green, "The Fault in Our Stars". And let me tell you it was the best decision of my life to read this book, which is why I suggest you to read it too!

The book revolves around two amazing characters who are battling the awful disease we all know as cancer. Their stories interwined with one another and evolve through time. What's great about this book, besides the fact that it includes a beautiful love story, is that the characters are very genuine and real. John Green did a wonderful job depicting their lives and telling a story where it really showed the truth of what someone who's going through a tough struggle, fights through and keeps going no matter what.

If there were ever any two kinds of characters you'd want to meet in life and be inspired by. It'd definitely be Hazel Grace Lancaster & Augustus Waters. The way their love unfolds is very magical and honest. They're aware that life is tough but it's also beautiful at the same time.

So next time you stop by Barnes & Nobles or your local book store be sure to pick up the book! Did I forget to mention they made the book into a movie?! That's right, and let me tell you how excited I am for it to come out. Here's the trailer so you can be excited as I am and fangirl all about it!

Miami, FL, USA